August 10, 2018

Slot Machine StrategiesThese Slot Machine Strategies Won’t Improve Your Odds at a Casino

Most casino visitors appreciate the odds must always favor the house. Gambling establishments could not remain in business without maintaining an “edge”. Yet some people vouch for several popular slot machine strategies. Remember these ways of playing cannot reduce house odds:

Five Minutes Per Machine

Playing each slot machine for five minutes and then moving to another one won’t improve your chance of winning. Some slots players rely on this method. While you may increase your chance of finding a “loose” machine, it won’t impact the overall house edge.

Playing in Sequence

Using a sequential betting method won’t change the house advantage, either. Sometimes players place bets in an increasing sequence, doubling their wager with every spin of the reels. This slot strategy, while popular, won’t change the odds of winning.

Employing a Loss Limit

Have you changed slots machines after winning (or losing) 60% of your available funds for a gambling session? This strategy does not improve the house edge. However, remaining aware of your available funds does make good sense from a gaming standpoint!

Combining Five Minutes Per Machine With a Loss Limit

Some players mistakenly believe they’ll improve the odds by combining a timing and a loss limit strategy. The house will still retain its edge. Yet you may safeguard winnings by implementing this approach.

Identifying Reel Patterns

Experts advise slots players against searching for winning or losing patterns in modern slots machines because the reels spin at random. While popular, this approach won’t change the odds favoring the house. Nevertheless, some slot machine strategies rely on this failed method of play!

Optimizing “Streaks”

Finally, strategies urging slots players to increase (or lower) a bet when winning or to reduce it (or raise it) when losing enjoy popularity today. Yet these tactics simply cannot change the overall odds. The odds will continue to favor the house, even if you enjoy a winning streak!

Remember: casino slots games always in the long run favor the house. Casinos ultimately win at slots!